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photo Bormolini Hotels, Valtellina
photo Bormolini Hotels, Valtellina
photo Bormolini Hotels, Valtellina
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Via Saroch, 1272
23030 Livigno (SO), Italia
Fax: +39 0342 996598
+39 0342 996665

Mountain bike

Are you looking for a mountain bike in Livigno? Our passion is the best warranty

Livigno and the Alta Rezia area are a true landmark for two wheels lovers, whatever the season.

Yes, because Livigno proposes unlimited mountain biking options, including the celebrated Mottolino bike park. Here is what you can expect from a mountain biking holiday in Valtellina in a nutshell:

Cycle-friendly Sporting Hotel , a wealth of amenities, a unique passion

Dépendance Sporting is a true  cycle-friendly hotel in Livignomountain bike or road bike, there are so many routes to choose from! We will take care of the rest, with lots of amenities designed for a perfect two-wheel holiday:
Great place to be
Ideal for biking stays, very friendly and helpful service. Dinner and breakfast was really great, we traveled with Mountainbike and there is a good Option to leave the bikes in a locked room. 
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Dirk, | 26/08/2022